Questions from a YEC convert

Thu, 27 Nov 97 11:25:38 -0500

I post this to Mr. Glen Morton:

Mr. Morton,

I was taught the theory of evolution in public schools as
fact. I have believed it as fact until I was a strapping 39
years old. It was then that the loss of a loved one forced
me to reevaluate the Scriptures and decide if there was
Truth in them. I'm now 43 and believe in a literal 6 day

I ask the following questions of you because of the respect
I've developed of you. My only contact with you has been on
this discussion group. While others supporting evolution
have been harsh, cynical, and outright nasty, you have
maintained a professionalism, authority, and a sense of
humor. (I especially enjoyed your back and forth banter
with Jim Bell).

Now, just a few questions as to how do you as an old earth
evolutionist reconcile the following:
1. New geologist theories about catastrophism and the
Grand Canyon?
2. Moon dust. I've heard those mentioned above ridicule
and belittle creationists who use the shallow depth of
moon dust as an "Earth Clock", however, I've never
heard them explain it.
3. Can and do human population projections, when
reversed, project back to the people who disembarked
the Ark, 6000 years ago?
4. River deltas. Does the sediment accumulation in nearly
all of the world's river deltas compute to approx.
10,000 years?

I've included in this post, being as how I'm working on
Thanksgiving, a line from Abe Lincoln's Thanksgiving
Proclamation, (there's never an ACLU lawyer around when you
need one - referring to that separation of church and state
thing :) )

Your most humble servant,

Dan Muller

... But we have forgotten God, We have forgotten the
gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied
and enriched and strengthed us, And we have vainly
imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all
these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and
virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we
have become too self sufficient to feel the necessity of
redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the
God who made us... Abraham Lincoln