Re: Something controversial

Carl lindquist (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:23:41 -0700

Glenn Morton wrote:

> Here is the controversial part. It has been my experience that vast numbers
> of young-earth creationists will not read anything that disagrees with their
> own opinion. This also applies to many of the old-earth anti-evolutionists.
> Is this unwillingness to read that which disagrees with an accepted opinion
> an example of gathering "around them a great number of teachers to say what
> their itching ears want to hear."?
> Maybe this will get this board going again.
> glenn

This is my first post, having been a lurker for quite some time.
Glenn brought me out of the woodwork! No one or group can even begin
to compare with the close-mindedness of evolutionists, particularly
those in positions of academic power. Their smug, prideful, arrogant
contempt in their vitriolic wrtings and sarcasm is not capable of
being matched by anything that I have seen Creationists write.
Not only that, there is a whole litany of those believing in Creation
as opposed to evolution who have been forced off the staffs of
universities, of science publications for public consumption (e.g.
Scientific American), and federal science organizations (NIH) for
having the temerity to publish scientific discoveries pointing to
recent creation much less mentioning to their students alternative
views to the party line of purposeless origin by life by chance
[Chance is NOTHING!!!] and random process.
There is just no way to compare the anger or stubborness of the one
group, the Creationists with the absolute ruthlessness of the other
group, the evolutionists, particularly when they have the power.
Glenn's tack reminds me of those who castigate Christianity by
pointing to all the thousands killed in the name of Christianity while
conveniently ignoring the hundreds of millions murdered by atheistic
dictator states and their rulers.
with genuine regard and respect (which is why I've kept my mouth
shut. I am for the most part in awe of the academic smarts of those
who post on this newsgroup),

Carl G. Lindquist, MD
Clinic for Chest Diseases
Sun City, Arizona