Re: logic makes a comeback

Pim van Meurs (
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 20:17:37 -0400

pETER: An atheist cannot point to anything within their own worldview that
is a transcendent and objective standard of morality, whereas a Christian
theist can.

Sure but one can easily show that this 'pointing' is pointing to an empty
container since it fails to prove that a god exists, that the god has
universal, eternal and objective morals.

Peter: If you cannot accept that statement after being certain of what I
mean by it, then we may as well cease discussing the matter. Two things
to bear in mind - 'transcendent' and 'objective' refer to something
*outside* of ourselves, something above and beyond human beings, and
'Christian theist' as a worldview is not the same as 'theist.'

Objective is not outside oneselve. Even something beyond human beings is
still subjective. After all what difference would there be in claiming
that there is an atheist trancedental morality (outside ourselves) and
claiming that there is a god who holds our morality ? Neither one is very
satisfying because neither one can be proven (or disproven for that