Re: ICR and its slurs

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
22 May 97 16:13:17 EDT

Russell Stewart writes:

<<Yes, but you've got your causality mixed up. Let me ask you this: would
Hitler have been any less of a murderous tyrant if there had been no such
thing as a theory of evolution?>>

It's not a question of causality. It's a question of justification (as you
should have noted from Rich's wording, "which he justified..."). Just to
clarify the question starkly, try this: Please justify your characterization
of Hitler as a "murderous tyrant," without any appeal to a transcendent moral

The main point remains: evolutionism can be a powerful, and logically
compelling, justification for racism and genocide. It is not subject to moral
correction, as, e.g., Christianity is. It can only borrow moral capital. It
should acknowledge the debt.
