Racism of evolution

Thu, 22 May 97 10:51:03 -0500

My name is Dan and I've been a lurker here for several
months. My girls are entering middle school and are
begining to ask me questions about creation/evolution. This
list is one of the sources that I, as a serious seeker of
the truth, hope to aquire the information necessary to
answer their questions.

I now have enough informaiton to decide which is truth and
which is not. I sincerely wish to thank the members of this
list such as Russell Stewart and Pim for their imput into my

The subject of evolutionary racism and some members' attempt
to explain it away is a major factor in my decision. Please
consider the following quotes and thinking of some 1800's
era evolutionary leaders:

Franz Gall - Brain size equals more intelligence.

Morton (not Glen of this list) - Negroes are less
intelligent because they have smaller brain size.

Phillip Ruston (Canadian) Blacks came off the evolutionary
line early when apes were less intelligent. Whites came off

Gallston (English) "We should breed more intelligent people"
Didn't Darwin marry his cousin for this reason?

Count Arthur Degobinin - Certain people were born to rule

Richard Vagner - (the German composer) founded a secret
society with the basis of the above thinking. (Especially
the latter) They later chose Adolph Hitler as their leader.

Ernst Heckle - member - "Make sure those not fit breed
don't" This quickly translated to "those not fit to live".

The conclusion that must be drawn here is that Darwin's
evolution is a direct cause and effect of the Holocaust.
Those who would deny this are simply choosing not to believe
that racism and evolution are closely interwoven belief

I admire their faith and their arrogance.
