Re: Early Adam/Recent Noah?

Travis E. Doane (
Wed, 8 Jan 1997 14:04:14 -0500 (EST)

> On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Travis E. Doane wrote:
> > As of right now, I am still undecided as to what my position actually is.
> > I'm wavering between a progressive creation and Theistic Evolution
> > viewpoint. But one thing I have determined is that dogmatic creationists,
> > especially young earthers, are doing a great disservice to Christianity
> > by putting up unnecessary barriers between believers and unbelievers.
> Why is it a disservice to believe the Bible more than the wisdom of man ?
> That's what a 'dogmatic creationist' is doing, if I've understood you
> correctly.
> Oliver Beck
> student of physics

The reason the YEC movement does such a disservice to Christianity isn't
necessarily their beliefs. I believe that Christians can, within the scope
of the holy scriptures, hold a variety of beliefs and opinions. If, for
instance, I knew someone who was truly a disciple of Christ who was in love
with the Lord, but he believed the earth was flat, I could live with that.
I may disagree with him, but I would not take it upon myself to convince him
that his opinion was wrong.

If, however, he started going around the country holding "flat earth"
seminars and implying that Christians who accepted a "round earth" view
were somehow less godly or more compromising than flat earthers, then I would
feel compelled to speak out. Particularly if he used doctored quotes, half
truths, and generally bore false witness against scientists.

Paul told the Jews in Rome that, because of their hypocrisy, the entire
Jewish nation had become a laughing stock among the gentiles.
Unfortunately, I see the same thing happening within Christianity today.
The young earth creationists are a small, but vocal, minority who are
making Christians everywhere look like fools. If they truly believe what
they preach, and I have no doubt that they do, I really don't care. But I
am concerned that, as professed followers of Jesus Christ, they
apparently see nothing wrong with lying and distortion. The bible
commands not to bear false witness against anyone, including Charles Darwin.

God Bless,
Travis E. Doane