Re: Morton v. Ross

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
08 Jan 97 13:04:20 EST

Stephen Jones reminds us:

<< Some anthropologists argue that the tools used by H.
erectus assumes speech capability; others study the evolution of the
skull and how the brain (e.g., Broca's area) was affected, and
conclude speech began quite early in hominid evolution (Falk, 1987).
Still others believe that speech did not originate until the Upper
Paleolithic, or at least cannot be proved until then (Davidson and
Noble, 1989). At this point, we agree with Falk when she says,
`Unfortunately, what it is going to take to settle the debate about
when language originated in hominids is a time machine Until one
becomes available, we can only speculate about this fascinating and
important question' (1989, p. 141)">>

This is important, as Glenn has castigated Ross for saying "this is the way
things are" without discussing contary evidence. Yet Glenn is certain speech
existed in early hominids. No doubt about it, says Glenn, despite the contrary
evidence, which he dismisses.

Sauce for the goose!

Another reminder:

<<If the plumbing is different, ie. no tear ducts, then these are
not "superficial differences". As for being "meaningless to
procreation", they would show that 'procreation" did not occur
between Neandertals and anatomically modern humans.>>

Right. This was the import of the Tattersal study.

Yet another reminder:

<<As I have pointed out, but which Glenn ("the overwhelming silence")
Morton :-) just ignores, this kills stone (no pun intended!) dead his 5.5 mya
Noah theory. A necessary corollary of Glenn's theory is that after the
Flood, all technology was lost, otherwise he cannot explain the
total lack of archaeological evidence for 5 mys. But as the
title of his paper indicates, Oakley is using the "Makapansgat
pebble" to show that "Higher Thought" was only emerging "3.0-0.2 Ma

This is a good point again. The "technological dark age" is part of Glenn's
theory that has no proof, but the ABSENCE of proof to prove it. This a major
problem I have with his theory.

Interestingly, I ran across a verse that never jumped out at me before.
Genesis 4:22 speaks of Tubal-cain, and is literally translated "he was the
father of all metal workers in bronze and iron." This definitely implies a
passing of the torch, without any "dark age" (which, of course, has no textual
support in Genesis). You cannot be a father without offspring.
