The latest bombing mission

Glenn Morton (
Tue, 07 Jan 1997 21:08:09

Stephen wrote:

>My last mail download was 218
>messages! It has taken me 3 weeks to read and answer them. I
>apologise for the great batch you will receive. Please don't complain
>that they are late or that there are too many - I agree with you and
>I apologise! :-)


Prior to 3 weeks ago I had always tried to answer your notes. But with your
last bombing mission of 3 weeks ago, I decided that I wasn't going to deal
with old discussions which have long gone away. Answering statements made
weeks ago is simply too difficult. One must go back, remember what was said
and then reply only to have to wait for several weeks before you bless us with
another bombing mission. Besides, one must try to read an enormous amount of
material at once which is unfair to us. If you can keep up in a timely fashion
I would be delighted to discuss things with you. But as it is I find that
the trains of thought are lost in the intervening weeks waiting for your


Foundation,Fall and Flood