Re: Conspiracies and party lines

Brian D. Harper (
Mon, 30 Dec 1996 21:04:12 -0500

At 07:10 PM 12/30/96 EST, Jim wrote:


><<You forget that there are fish who can do what you say is impossible. In
>recent years Florida was plagued (maybe still is) by an African import, the
>walking catfish. I guess that fish, which is able to walk from pond to pond
>has not heard that you say this is impossble. Some one should inform him of
>this fact. You can't cause you are in California. If some one is listening
>from Florida would you please tell those catfish to quit coming onto dry land.
>Jim says it is impossible for them to do this.>>

Jim Bell====
>Yes, I would love an expert opinion on this. We'll need a structural analysis,
>of course, and complete anatomical and behavioral specs. We'll have to hear
>just what this "walking" consists of, too. Is it in the same league as
>"flying" as in the "flying fish"? This may just be another one of your fish

Well, I was stuck at home today watching one of my kids during
Christmas break. I happened into the family room with the
TV already on and tuned to some nature channel [wish I had
been paying more attention to details, but alas I hadn't
anticipated that I might see something of import]. Anyway,
they were describing some strange creatures in some strange
place I know not where. One of them was a bona fide fish that
spends most of its time on land. They showed the thing waddling
around, it actually used its gills for walking. It also had some
kind of aquatic lung that was filled with water for "breathing".
Can't remember any more details.

Brian Harper | "If you don't understand
Associate Professor | something and want to
Applied Mechanics | sound profound, use the
The Ohio State University | word 'entropy'"
| -- Morrowitz
Bastion for the naturalistic |
rulers of science |