Identity of the Creator

Sat, 7 Dec 1996 19:18:29 -0800

Identity of the proposed Designer of the Universe and Mankind

It has been proposed with much data and theory by Morton et al. that the alternative to random chance in, specifically, Universe and Human Origins, is that of deliberate design from a creator (/designer) and furthur that
the creator should be identified as the one in the claimed revelation known as the Bible-here defined as the 39 books of the Tanakh and 27 of the New Testament (/Covenant). However it is well known that others hold to bel
ief in either another specifically named creator and revelation, or an ecumenical creator who has not identified ‘himself’ to ‘his’ creation.

I have been asked by a writer and longtime subscriber of this forum to relate for information and or criticism an area of research which has not, to his knowledge, been discussed, known as hidden codes underlying claimed
revelation from a creator which could not possibly have been designed by any human due to the code or message relating accurate information about future events, names, places, etc., which have not and could not have been
realized at the time of writing. The type of research being published of late in either Journals or other media has dealt with Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) ‘discovery’ of names, places, and phrases concerning the fu
ture found in the Tanakh.

The published Journal research carried out on the Tanakh via a computer program may be found in
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 151:1, 1988, pp.177-178; Statistical Science, August 1994, and Statistical Journal. These have been summarized in Bible Review, October 1995,pp.28-31,45; The Signiture of God, G.Je
ffrey, Frontier Pub. 1996, and in issues of Personal Update, C. Missler, Koinonia House; et al. Not being prevy at this time to the Journal articles, I am therefore in the position of relating the summarized info. ELS res
earch of the Tanakh has also been done without the aid of computer program, with books and articles by one studious individual in particular having recently been published, which will be discussed later.

About the Research
Well respected mathematicians, such as Professors at Harvard and Yale, have confirmed that the ELS computer investigations by the Journal authors, which used the Masoretic Text, is “serious research carried out by seriou
s investigators.” Another statement that should be mentioned is that of the Statistical Science editor:
“Our referees were baffled: their prior beliefs made them think the Book of Genesis could not possibly contain meaningful references to modern day individuals, yet when the authors carried out additional analysis and chec
ks the effect persisted. The paper is thus offered to Statistical Science readers as a challenging puzzle.” The Journal researchers were led to the ELS phenomenon by the work of an individual in 1958, who noticed the phen
omena and coined it as ELS. However he had no way of determining if the occurances were by chance or design, so the research team decided to systematically study the found phenomena to see if it could be explained purely
on the basis of fortuitous combinations, or if the phenomena could be shown to be of deliberate design. In the research, and in reply to skeptics-which were in no short supply, Tolstoy’s War and Peace, the Jewish apocryph
a, Samaritan Pentateuch, and other writings were used, with the result: ”all without a clue of a code.”

The first 66 names of the most prominent rabbi’s and sages with known birth and death dates were chosen from a book and all 66 were found in Genesis along with either their birth or death dates in close proximity. Mathema
tician Dr Harold Gans who has published over 180 technical papers, also found the encoded names of the actual cities where each of the 66 were born. The odds of chance occurance are 1 in 2.5 billion

Twenty-five different names of tree’s were found in Genesis 2. In Genesis 38 at 49 letter intervals were found “Pharez”, “Boaz”, “Obed”, “Jesse”-which are of the names in the genealogy of David (c. 1037-967BC) in the corr
ect chronological sequence.
The name of “Zedekiah”, the last king of Judah until 587/6BC, along with his original name before becoming king “Matanya” was also found in Genesis in proximity to each other.
Also in close proximity in Genesis were found “Hasmonean” and “Hanukkah.”

In Genesis 1:1 from tav, every 49th letter spelled “Torah.” The same 49 letter interval was true for the first verse in Exodus. In the initial verses in Numbers and Deuteronomy was found “Torah” but spelled backwards-at t
he same 49 letter interval sequence.
Also found in Genesis spelled equidistantly was “Anwar Sadat” with the name of the leader of the Moslem Brotherhood assasination team, “1981”, “president”, “gunfire”, “shot”,”murder”,and “parade.”
In Genesis ~39-41 were found a cluster of info on the French Revolution:”Mapecha HaSarfatit” E: “the French Revolution.”,”Louis”, “Beit Bourbon”, “Hamarseilles” and “Bastillia.” The latter is the infamous French prison fo
r political prisioners and is found in Genesis 39:20 that relates Joseph’s prison.

In Deuteronomy 10:17-22 “Hitler was found in a 22 letter sequence. In the same passage counting every 13th letter spelled “b’yam marah Auscwitz,” English (E) translation being “in the bitter sea of Auschwitz.” Also starti
ng in chapter 10 was found “Belsen” and “Berlin.”
In Chapter 33:16 counting every 246 letters was found “Melek Natzim” E: “King of the Nazis.”
Nearby this verse was found “laiv m’Laivi: E:”the heart from Levi” and also in this same passage area “kemi bait rah” E:an evil house rose up.” From the resh in Yisrael in verse 21 every 22nd letter spelled “re’tzach alm”
E: “a people cry murder/slaughter.” In chapter 32:52 was found “Aik’man” E: ”Eichmann.”

A considerable amount of additional ELS clusters of related information were also found by the researchers, and the readers should refer to the journal articles or the authors themselves, who will provide a Demo copy of
the computer program used.

Research by Hand
Messianic rabbi Yacov Rambsel has also looked into ELS research, but without the use of computer.
A list of much of his findings from “Yeshua:The Name of Jesus Revealed
in the Old Testament”, Frontier Research Pub., Sept 1996, follows:

*Genesis 20:2 from the 9th word counting every 5th letter from left to
right spells “oht shalav” Eng.:”~Equidistant Letter Spacing.”

Genesis 1:1 from the first yod in the first word counting every 521
letters spells Heb: “Yeshua yahkol”, Eng.: “Yeshua is able.”
(note:Yeshua means Salvation).

Genesis 1:14 from the ayin in “seasons” counting every 172 letters from
left to right spells “Yeshua.”

Genesis 1:19 from the yod in the 69th word counting 69 letters from
left to right spells “Yeshua ahzar” Eng.:”Yeshua to succour/help.”

Genesis 2:18 from the first ayin in “I will make” every counting every
138 letters from right to left spells “Yeshua.”

Genesis 2:20 from the first mem in “Adam” every 101 letters counting
right to left spells “Mashiach” Eng.:”Messiah”.

Genesis 2:22 from the lamed in “brought” counting every 43 letters left
to right spells “l’Yeshua” Eng.:”to/for Jesus.”

Genesis 3:15 from the yod in “I will put” counting every 69 letters
from left to right spells “Yeshua.”

Genesis 3:20 from the heh in “Eve” counting every 9 letters right to
left spells “Yoshiah”: Eng.:meaning “He will save” (//Yeshua).

Genesis 3:20 from the yod in “Eve” counting every 9 letters left to
right spells “Adonai” Eng.:”Lord.”

Genesis 4:10 from the mem in “blood” counting every 7 letters from left
to right spells “Mashiach em ‘met”,Eng.: “Messiah the Truth”.

Genesis 5:22 from the chet in “Enoch” counting every 129 letters right
to left spells “Mashiach.”

Genesis 6:20 from first bet counting every 13 letters right to left
spells “Mashiach..”

Genesis 7:11 from tav counting every 130 letters from right to left
spells “toshiyam” Eng.:”you will save them.”

Genesis 12:1 from lamed counting every 8 letters from left to right
spells “Yisrael” Eng.:”Israel”.
Genesis 12:1 from mem counting every 17 letters left to right spells

Genesis 17:1 from the yod in “Between me and you” counting every 130
letters spells “Y’rushala’yim” Eng.: “Jerusalim.”

Genesis 24:16-18 from the ayin in “to the well” counting every 386
letters from left to right spells “Yeshua.”

Genesis 28:9 from the 2nd yod counting every 19th letter from right to
left spells “Yeshua Yah” Eng.:”Yeshua Lord/God.”

Genesis 39:1-5 from the 3rd to last yod in verse 5 counting every 100th
letter from left to right spells “Yeshua.”

Genesis 39:23 from the last chet counting every 117th letter from right
to left spells “Mashiach.”

Genesis 50:14 from mem counting every 172 letters from right to left
spells “Mashiach.” (cf. Gen.1:14)

Genesis 50:18 from the last mem counting every 40th letter from right
to left spells “Mashiach.”

Exodus 3:7 from the yod in “and said” counting every 120 letters from
left to right spells “Yeshua, auhseY.” (Yeshua forwards and backwards
in the same 120 letter spacing)

Exodus 19:6 from 2nd letter in 3rd word counting every 50th (from Red
Sea crossing [across Gulf of Aquaba, Straits of Tiran, to Jebel al
Lawz?] to Mt. Horeb/Sinai took 50 days) letter from right to left
spells “Yeshua”

Exodus 19:16 from the 3rd letter in the 1st word counting every 600th
letter spells “Ha Mashiach” Eng.:”The Messiah.”

Leviticus 20:27 from the dalet counting every 7th letter from left to
right spells “dam Yeshua” Eng.:”The blood of Yeshua.”

Leviticus 21:10 from heh counting every 3rd letter from right to left
spells “hain dam Yeshua” Eng.:”Behold! The blood of Yeshua.”

Leviticus 17:1 from the heh counting every 77th letter from right to
left spells “ha ‘miqreh Yeshua” Eng.:”The event of Yeshua.”

Deuteronomy 34:4 from the 3rd to last yod counting every 9th letter
from right to left spells “Yeshua.”

Numbers 19:12 from the 2nd yod counting every 79th letter from right to
left spells “Yeshua”
(” Further “In this series of the 79-letter count, you will also find
Yeshua every 237th (3x79) letter.”)

Psalm 22:16 from ayin in “evildoers” counting every 26 letters from
left to right spells “a’ot ki’Yeshua” Eng.:”A sign for Yeshua.”

2Chronicles 19 from heh counting every 94 letters from right to left
spells “ha’rav Yeshua” Eng.: “The Great Yeshua.”

Isaiah 7:14 from mem in virgin/maiden counting every 17 letters from
right to left spells “Mashiach kav’an” Eng.: “Messiah, prepared [like a
sacrificial wafer/bread]”

Isaiah 40:11 from the 3rd to last yod counting every 334th letter
spells “dahm Yeshua” Eng.:”the blood of Yeshua.”

Isaiah 41:8 from mem counting every 8 letters spells “Mashiach”

Isaiah 52:14 from the 3rd yod counting every 120th letter from left to
right spells “Yeshua.”

Isaiah 53:10 from the yod counting every 20 letters spells “Yeshua
shmi” Eng.:”Yeshua is my name.”

Isaiah 58:12 from the last shin counting every 13th letter from right
to left spells “Sar Yeshua” Eng.:”Yeshua the Prince.”

Isaiah 61:1 from the yod in “The Spirit of the Lord YHWH” counting
every 9 letters from left to right spells “Yeshua.”
right spells “Oshiyah” Eng.:”I will save.”

Isaiah 61:10 from the chet in “Bridegroom” every 25 letters from left
to right spells “Mashiach”

Zechariah 7:4 from the first yod counting every 5th letter from right
to left spells “Yeshua.”

Zechariah 8:19 from the lamed counting every 4th letter spells “L

Zechariah 9:9 from the first yod in “rejoice” counting every 22nd
letter from right to left spells “Yeshua.”

Zechariah 11:12 from the yod in “My price” counting every 24th letter
from right to left spells “Yeshua.”

Zechariah 12:8 from the chet in “only son” counting every 38 letters
from right to left spells “Mashiach.”

Ruth 1:1 from the 4th letter in the 2nd word counting every 5th letter
spells “Yeshua.”

Ruth 1:8 from the 4th letter in the first word counting every 12th
letter from left to right spells “Melek Yeshua” Eng.: “King Yeshua.”

Hosea 6:6 from the yod in “God” (Elohim) counting every 60th letter
from right to left spells “Yeshua”

Esther 4:2 from the 1st letter in the 9th word counting every 7th
letter from right to left spells “El Shaddai” Eng.:”God Almighty.”

Esther 5:4 from the 3rd letter in the 14th word counting every 24th
letter spells “Adonai.”

Esther 8:14 from the 7th letter in the 7th word counting every 20th
letter from left to right spells “Mashiach yatza” Eng.:”Messiah, stand
out/come forth.”

Esther 9:5 from the 6th letter of the 2nd word counting every 24th
letter from left to right spells “Yeshua.”

Esther 9:30 from the 1st letter in the 3rd word counting every 24th
letter from right to left spells “aleph Elohim tau” Eng.:”~the first,
God, ~the last” (aleph is first letter, tau/tahv the last, in Hebrew).

Ezekiel 37:19 from the 6th to last yod counting every 13th letter
spells “Yeshua ri’mon” Eng.:”Yeshua the pomegranate.”

Micah 5:1 from the fourth yod in verse 2 counting every 49th letter
from left to right spells “Yeshua.”

Jeremiah 29:8 from the yod counting every 77th letter from right to
left spells “Yeshua.”

Jeremiah 30:10 from the yod in “(for) is” counting every 7th letter
from right to left spells “Yeshua.”

Jeremiah 31:31 from the chet in “new [covenant]” counting every 99
letters from left to right spells Mashiach.”

Note: cf. also “Prophecy in the News,”Nov.1996,pp.12-14.

Wayne A. Mitchell
Long Beach, CA