Re: The man with the rhesus monkey brain (was Re: Jim's poor

Steve Clark (
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 16:29:06 -0600

Randy, you recently posted the following:

>Evolution is the basic philosophy behind all the evil systems that have
>plagued the world since the days of Charles Darwin.

It would be nice if the world could be so easily explained. An obvious
question is whether there are basic differences in "evil systems" that
plagued the world before vs after Darwin's book?

Take for instance
>Nazism under Adolph Hitler in Germany, I do not know if everyone knows
>this but Hitler was an evolutionists and his whole philosophy was based
>on evolution, he believed in the idea that there was an evolutionary
>struggle among the different races and nations. He thought that the tutonic
>race was better than all the others because it had evolved further. And
>therefore it was destined to rule the world. The only way it could really
>do that was through this struggle for existence, warfare between nations
>so that the best could survive.

Sorry, Randy, but I strongly disagree with your logic here. Perceptions of
racial superiority do not need to be based on any concept of evolution. All
you need to do is think that the members of another race are heathens (and
you are not) or are animals (and you are not). This thinking has been
prevalent in human history way before Darwin's time. The fact that Hitler
misused evolution to justify his perception of racial superiority only says
something about Hitler and nothing about evolution science. In otherwords,
the concept of evolution did not cause Hitler to be a racist. He simply
attempted to use evolution to justify his belief. He would likely have been
a racist regardless of whether or not he knew about evolution

In a parallel situation, the fact that some people have misused Christian
belief to promote their own brand of superiority (e.g., White supremacists)
is not proof of the invalidaty of our faith is it, Randy? These people did
not become racist because of Christianity, rather they use it in an attempt
to justify their misbegotten views.

Basically, ideas need to stand on their own right and not be judged on the
basis of who they are associated with, or on the basis of how they may be
misused. This goes for the theory of evolution as well as for Christianity.

The bottom line, Randy, is that in order to be logically consistent, if you
argue against evolution science because Hitler abused it, you need to be
prepared to argue against Christianity because it is mistakenly used to
promote racial purity.


Steven S. Clark, Ph.D . Phone: 608/263-9137
Associate Professor FAX: 608/263-4226
Dept. of Human Oncology and Email:
UW Comprehensive Cancer Center
CSC K4-432
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings to
search out a matter." Proverbs