Re: The man with the rhesus monkey brain (was Re: Jim's poor view of the Neanderthal)

Randy Landrum (
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 11:28:11 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Glenn Morton wrote:

> Stephen wrote:
> >This is the real show-stopper to Glenn's Homo habilis Adam theory. I
> >give full credit to Glenn for taking Genesis 1-11 seriously - most
> >theistic evolutionists would dismiss as "concordist" any attempt to
> >harmonise Genesis 1-11 with modern science. But Glenn's desire to
> >harmonise Noah's Flood with the geological evidence for the infilling
> >of the Mediterranean basin 5 mya has led him to embrace an extreme
> >"old-Adam" position which is irreconcilable with the basic
> >theological thrust of the New Testament, namely that Adam had to be
> >fully MAN, in order to be our representative.
> I thought MAN-hood was determined by bearing the image of God. Many
> christians in the last century thought that Africans could not be human
> because they looked so different from us. They believed that they were a
> different species. This view was held so widely that the United States
> Supreme Court succombed to it. And remember that hese views were held by the
> majority of Europeans and Americans. An interesting quote is:

Evolution is the basic philosophy behind all the evil systems that have
plagued the world since the days of Charles Darwin. Take for instance
Nazism under Adolph Hitler in Germany, I do not know if everyone knows
this but Hitler was an evolutionists and his whole philosophy was based
on evolution, he believed in the idea that there was an evolutionary
struggle among the different races and nations. He thought that the tutonic
race was better than all the others because it had evolved further. And
therefore it was destined to rule the world. The only way it could really
do that was through this struggle for existence, warfare between nations
so that the best could survive.

"Hitler stressed and singled out the idea of biological evolution as the
most forcedful weapon against traditional religion and he repeatedly
condemned Christianity for its opposition to the teachings of evolution.
For Hitler, evolution was the hallmark of modern science and culture.
He defended its veracity as tenaciously as Haeckel"

Haeckel was Darwins contemporary in Germany and popularized evolution in
Germany leading finally to world war I and II based on Darwianian teachings.
Now Nazism Nationalism Socialism, Hitlerism had pretty well died out it
didn't work it failed because it was based on a false premise but look at
the terrible damage it did before it was finally put down. And the same
thing is true with communism.

`,_` ./.~`-,. "Throughout the hundreds of millions
=,` / 'i '~+=,_ of years the coelacanths have kept
v. . !-. = __. ~\=. the same form and structure. Here is
` ,_. , i`,_'\.- ~e_ one of the great mysteries of evolution"
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