The man with the rhesus monkey brain (was Re: Jim'
14 Sep 1996 22:29:34 EDT

GR>>PD>So we see evidence for speech somewhere within your model of man's
GR>>>evolution. Language is good evidence for intellect, and intellect is
GR>>>good evidence for, and is a good correlation with, God-given humanness.
GR>>>This we observe in ourselves today. Do you agree that, putting your 5+
GR>>>million origin date aside, Adam and Noah possessed that same God given
GR>>>humanness in terms of intellect and spirit that we possess today? If
GR>>>not, on what basis do you draw your conclusion?

SJ>>You are touching on a crucial theological problem with Glenn's 5.5
SJ>>MYA Homo habilis Adam theory/model. If Adam was a different species
SJ>>from all humans today, with only 1/3rd our cranial capacity and only
SJ>>a rudimentary language, how could God justly charge him with
SJ>>disobedience and impute to us his original sin? (Rom 5:12-19; 1Cor

GR>It depends upon whether or not he understood the consequences.

Glenn, for the record.... I agree with you conceptually that we and Adam
possessed the same God-given humanness, capacity, spirit, and intellect
that we see today. This is absolutely necessary, in my opinion, for a
valid and comprehensive model of man's origins that conforms to
Christian theology and scripture.

The debate, admittedly, remains as to what form Adam took, when and how
he appeared on the scene, and whether or not the various hominids are in
fact his kin-folk.

Your cites of intelligent people with limited cranial capacity should
be a wake-up call to those evolutionists who subscribe to
socio-biological theory and the evolution of the human psyche. It also
raises an interesting observation...

if we are right, then evolutionists should be ignoring cranial capacity
in developing their evolutionary sequence for man.

"Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of
your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is
good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

Paul Durham
Oakland, Maryland
