Re: supernatural observation & faith def.

Chuck Warman (
Thu, 12 Sep 1996 05:42:23 -0500

>These are the basis of evolution - they can be observed by anyone at any time.
>1. Rudimentary organs
>2. Rudimentary characters
>3. The Bodily Structure of humans shares the same general structure as other
>4. Humans can get diseases from other animals
>5. Human embryonic development is not that much different that other higher
>6. Variability in humans.
>7. Those with the best traits for adapting to their environment or more likely
>to have offspring.
>8. Comparison of basic mental traits with other animals, like the ability to

It seems to me that at least six of these, and maybe all eight, are merely
observations that "humans are animals." and say nothing about how we got to
be that way.
