Jim's poor view of the Neanderthal

29 Aug 1996 23:11:52 EDT


Your cites were very interesting but show the divergence of opinions
regarding the origin of speech.
But, if I am correct, I have condensed your view by gleaning the
following out of the post:

GR>Even the critics of Neanderthal speech believe that older even earlier archa
GR>sapiens were able to speak. This would have language at least going back
GR>500,000 years ago. Schepartz notes of Laitman the critic's study:

GR>Even the most vocal critics of early language development admit that some fo
GR>of language existed 1.5 myr ago:

So we see evidence for speech somewhere within your model of man's
evolution. Language is good evidence for intellect, and intellect is
good evidence for, and is a good correlation with, God-given humanness.
This we observe in ourselves today. Do you agree that, putting your 5+
million origin date aside, Adam and Noah possessed that same God given
humanness in terms of intellect and spirit that we possess today? If
not, on what basis do you draw your conclusion?

Paul Durham

to: IN:GRMorton@gnn.com
cc: IN:evolution@calvin.edu