Re: Of PhDs, priests and logic

Steve Clark (
Thu, 23 May 1996 12:37:46 -0500

Brian harper writes:
>>BH>A year or so ago I spent a great amount of time and effort
>>>debating the origin of life on At the time I
>>>was a progressive creationist with views very much like

>My main reasons for switching views were:
>1) I learned the difference between the science of evolution and

>4) I think the actions of many creationists are doing great harm
>to the church and I want to oppose those as best I am able.

good points!

Regarding #1, I like to refer to Brian's point as the separation between
metaphysics and physics. Because I have a quarrel with the metaphysics of
evolutionism, doesn't mean that I have to dismiss the science of evolution.

Regarding #4, this is invariably an issue that I must deal with when I
reveal to my secular colleagues and students that I, a scientist, am also a
Christian. I get tired of having to point out that faith in God is not in
conflict with my science--an opinion they hold as a result of the scientific
excesses of creationists. Now we are back to Brian's #1.

Steven S. Clark, Ph.D. Phone: (608) 263-9137
Associate Professor FAX: (608) 263-4226
Dept. of Human Oncology and email:
UW Comprehensive Cancer Ctr
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53792

"I had a great deal of respect for that preacher and I was saddened when
he was called to a bigger church. He was a Baptist, but he was still a
loss to the community". Ferrol Sams in EPIPHANY