RE: History of Biology

Chuck Warman (
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:29:18 -0500

John B. Tana wrote

<<<I know this may be somewhat off topic, but I'd like to ask a
quick question which probably won't spur a lot of debate. <grin!>>>>

I probably can't help there. My name on a post sets it off. :-)?

<<< Can someone recommend a good text relating to the history of
science, biology in particular?>>>

A history of science in general, from a distinctly Christian perspective,
is The Soul of Science, by Nancy Pearcey and Charles Thaxton (Crossway,
1994). I'm about halfway through it myself, and am enjoying it immensely.



Chuck Warman
"The abdication of Belief / Makes the Behavior small."
--- Emily Dickinson