Re: random observations on science and the supernatural

Mike Behe (mjb1@Lehigh.EDU)
Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:20:02 -0700

Hi, Denis! How's everything?

> Why was it that it was people with little to next
> to no training in the clinical sciences that were making the greatest
> noise against flouride?

Because they were being forced to drink it.

> In a way it all boils down to information, and whether the amateurs
> (both scientific and theological) are going to have the humility to
> acknowledge they are making assertions well beyond the limits of their
> knowledge and expertise.

Experts have been wrong big time before. Experts in science have
pronounced things that were harmful to be safe, and things that were safe to
be harmful. Experts in theology have done the same. Why don't we turn your
point of view on its head and ask, if the experts can't make a convincing
case to people on a matter that has absolutely no bearing on their day-to-day
lives, why should they believe them?

Sorry to enter the discussion and leave, but I'll be out of town at a
National Science Foundation review panel for the rest of the week.


Michael J. Behe Voice: 610-758-3474
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