Re: TE or PC?

Stephen Jones (
Mon, 22 Jan 96 23:02:00 EST


On Wed, 17 Jan 1996 19:56:10 -0500 (EST) you wrote:


LH>I had THOUGHT we agreed upon our nomenclature, but every now and
then, >you write something which makes me doubt our agreement.
>For example, when you said that TE is an "unstable equilibrium" between DE
>and PC, I got a little concerned. The phrase "unstable equilibrium"
>implies that if TE takes just one tiny step in either direction, it will
>be either a DE or a PC. But it seems to me that the TE position (as
>defined above) allows for a spectrum of scientific and theological
>I also agree with you that there is a "fuzzy boundary" between DE/TE and
>between TE/PC.

Sorry, but all along I have maintained that TE is an unstable half-way
house. It cannot be consistent and remain itself. For example, if it
there was no intervention, it is equivalent to DE. Yet if it says
was intervention, then it is equivalent to PC.


LH>Actually, I would have called that PC, although it is on the border

I am using TE as TEs use it. IMHO any direct supernatural intervention
is the beginning of PC, but TEs don't agree. I agree that it is

SJ>The test IMHO is the extent of ongoing involvement by God, e.g.:


LHThat is an excellent "theological" breakdown between DE/TE/PC.


LH>The "scientific" breakdown between TE/PC seems to be on the issue
>whether natural mechanisms are sufficient, or insufficient, to produce
>first life and biological novelty.
>Thus, the position you suggested above is PC scientifically, TE
>theologically; right on the border.

OK. Thanks. I hope it is quite clear that I will seek and give no
quarter with TE! :-) I do not believe that evolution is true, so I do
not believe that TE is true. I aim for PC to completely replace TE
by accounting for all TE's scientific evidence while being truer to
the Bible theologically.

BTW, I should make the point that I don't like the word "Progressive"
in PC. I consider PC to be simply Creation over time.

God bless, brother! :-)

| Stephen Jones ,--_|\ |
| 3 Hawker Ave / Oz \ |
| Warwick 6024 ->*_,--\_/ phone +61 9 448 7439. (These are |
| Perth, Australia v my opinions, not my employer's) |