Too much of a false thing
Sat, 30 Dec 1995 15:45:31 -0500

Hi Denis,

I really had planned not to respond to this one but I kept it around a day or
two and when I went to erase it, I found I am just hopelessly argumentative.

Denis wrote:
>>So, guys, is how many "days" God took to create important? Is the order
of the creative acts important? Is whether there really was a fast
talking snake in a garden important? (Some might say it's me on the
reflector ;-) ) Or even, is what type of fruit (it doesn't say an
"apple") that was eaten in that garden important?<<

These things are only important as they relate to the inspiration of the
Bible. Let me give you another list (In parallel form).

So, guys, is how many times the Hebrews marched around Jericho important? Is
the order of the kings of Israel important? Is whether there really was an
exodus from Egypt important? (Some might wish that I would "exitus"). Or
even, is what Daniel ate in Babylon important?

A New testament list:

Is how many days Jesus was in the grave important? Is the order of Christ's
lineage important? Is whether there really was a Caiaphas the Priest
important? Or even is what Jesus was offered for food by the Devil important?

The question becomes for me--how many factually erroneous stories can be
tolerated before one must conclude that there is no historical or religious
importance to the documents. If every fact in the Scripture were verifiably
false except the resurrection, on what basis would you judge the resurrection
to be historically true?
