Re: Musings and Retractions

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Fri, 08 Dec 1995 15:05:20 -0800

Rob says:
>> 1) If it is true that evolutionists have eliminated their bias
>> from their interpretation of the facts, then they have succeeded
>> where every other community of human beings united by a common belief
>> system have failed. I find this highly doubtful, but extend my conditional
>> congratulations.
Thomas responds:

>Of course, Darwinism isn't a belief system, nor are darwinists all that
>united in the first place. Indeed, I fully expect current evolution
>theories to be replaced, one way or the other - just as expect most
>theories to be replaced one way or another.

Since when is Darwinism not a belief system? What does "ism" mean to you?
And even if you used the ending by accident, who says Darwinism is not a
belief system???? I had to re-read that statement several times before I
believed you really said that! Perhaps the biggest evidence that it is a
belief system, as anyone needed it, is that in spite of your second
phrase...that Darwinists (there's that ending again) are not all that
united... they present a thoroughly united front to any assault by creationists.
