Re: Human Evolution Part III

Steve Clark (
Wed, 29 Nov 1995 19:01:54 -0600

On Wed, 29 Nov 1995 15:33:14 -0800 (PST), said:
>>> Recall a suggestion I made some time ago that God could have used hominid
>>> species as "ecological placeholders" for human beings. Here is a Bible
>>> verse that confirms that God works in this fashion. If God retained the
>>> Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites in the land in order to maintain an
>>> ecological balance favorable to the Hebrews, might He not have created
>>> neanderthals and cro magnon to maintain an ecological balance favorable
>>> to the descendants of Adam? In this regard, it is interesting to note
>>> that the more similar such a "placeholder" species was to human beings
>>> the more effective it would be in such a role.

And people complain about the "stories" put forth by evolutionists!
Steven S. Clark, Ph.D. Phone: (608) 263-9137
Associate Professor FAX: (608) 263-4226
Dept. of Human Oncology and email:
UW Comprehensive Cancer Ctr
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53792

"Philosophers consistently see the method of science before their eyes,
and are irresistibly tempted to ask and answer questions in the way science
does. This tendency...leads the philosopher into complete darkness."
Ludwig Wittgestein, The Blue Book, 1933