Re: The "game" of science (MN and ID)

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 09:34:06 -0800

Loren says:
>Even more specifically, if scientific research eventually shows that
>"naturalistic" abiogenesis could NOT have succeeded on early earth, it
>would (IMO) be "science" to believe that life began by
>"Intelligent-Design-AND-ASSEMBLY-of-certain-key-components." (*)

Just how would you envision scientists reaching the conclusion that
"abiogenesis could NOT have succeeded on earth". Do you think more evidence
than they have now would convince them? Never! because their belief in
abiogenesis flies in the face of every tenet of logic. It is a religious
persuasion that defies logic. It is an established fact for those adhering
to the religion of Naturalism. It is established by fiat (but not Fiat) and
therefore cannot be falsified.