Re: Human explosion (fwd)
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 21:31:01 -0500

Brian wrote:
>> Glenn's method, in case
you haven't read his book, is to reconcile the Bible to evolution,
hence he doesn't have a theory of creationism. In fact, he is very
much anti-YEC. You can ask him yourself.<<

I might beg to differ a little here, Brian. Since, I obviously believe that
God created the universe, programmed the rules of nature into it (including
the information for the DNA phase spaces) and developed the living systems
through the means of evolution, I would respectfully suggest that this is a
theory of creationism.

What it is not is a view which ignores scientific data. It is not a view
which accepts the standard interpretation of Genesis. But it does argue for
an actual set of historical events related in Genesis 1-11. A historical
Genesis 1-11 is exactly the goal that the YEC's set for themselves but fail
miserably to accomplish because their view of Genesis requires them to
challenge every new scientific discovery and ignore all sorts of scientific
data. Thus while I am anti-YEC, I am not against the goal that the YEC's
have of proving early Genesis true. My question to the YEC's is: Which is
more important, a historically accurate Bible, or no evolution?

For those on the reflector who do not know how I had my book reviewed, I sent
the manuscript to several scientist and philosophers, There were several
atheists/agnostics, skeptics and several young-earth creationists who agreed
to review the manuscript for me. It was interesting that while I argue for a
historical Bible, all the Atheists/agnostics/skeptics responded with good
criticisms and suggestions.. All but two of the YEC's never responded after
having agreed to review the book. (I was reminded of that verse in the Bible
which says "Let your yes be yes and your no be no" Matthew 5:37).
Unfortunately those who professed to be Christians were the ones who failed
that test!

In many ways Brian was my toughest critic. We have radically different world
views but I am very grateful to Brian for the many suggestions and criticisms
he threw at my manuscript.There are several arguments still in the book that
he does not like. But he kept me from making even more errors than I
otherwise did. I wish that the YEC's would have been so "christian" in their
behavior as Brian was in his.
