Re: Human explosion (fwd)

John W. Burgeson (
20 Nov 95 18:40:24 EST

Stephen paraphrases my remarks (or summarizes them) as follows:

"This seems to be saying, "Even if God did create the universe, life
and life's major groups, it is better for science to ignore that
possibility"? :-)

Pretty close. I'd rephrase it as follows: "God DID create the universe,
life on earth, and life on earth's major groups. Notwithstanding
this fact, it is right and proper and optimum, both historically (since the
Epicureans), presently and for the forseeable future, for scientists
(as scientists) to pursue their craft as if that fact were not so."

The issue of whether science pursues ultimate truth or not is germane
here. If one thinks it does, then my position is nonsense, of course.

A quotation from Crick may help here: Crick wrote: