Re: Probability and apologetics

Stephen Jones (
Fri, 01 Sep 95 06:54:41 EDT


On Wed, 30 Aug 1995 23:29:49 -0400 Glenn wrote:

GM>The young earth creationists position Christianity in opposition
>to almost every piece of observational data science collects,
>from astronomy, biology, geology, paleontology, physics and
>anthropology. The PC and TE positions, with a recent creation of
>man, are much better, but they place christianity in opposition
>to certain biomolecular data(MHC and other allelic diversity) and
>anthropological data (the nature of fossil man) as noted above.

I have no brief for YEC or TE, but perhaps Glenn can elaborate on
where PC is "in opposition to certain biomolecular data (MHC and
other allelic diversity) and anthropological data (the nature of

AFAIK PC does not deny any scientific "data", but it might deny
certain *interpretations* of that data.

God bless.

| Stephen Jones | ,--_|\ | |
| Perth | / Oz \ | |
| Australia | -> *_,--\_/ | phone +61 9 448 7439 |
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