re: rapid origin of genetic variation
Fri, 18 Aug 1995 13:57:20 -0500

Walter, I'm intrigued by your arguments. I would like to see a fight to a
surrender (or an agreement) on this subject.

Glenn wrote,

>Some alleles require multiple substitutions. and in the past
>4000 years, there have been approximately 200 generations
>giving the odds for creating a new allele at 200/10000= .02.

to which Walter responded,

>But Glenn misinterpreted the situation. To see his error let's again take
>the above population of one million adults....

I think Glenn is considering an initial population of only two adults. (5
independent human adults counting Noah's sons' wives). Walter, how does this
correction affect your argument?

Also, how do the different races figure in here? Don't the people who
advocate a recent global flood have only a few tens of generations to get
the races differentiated? Walter, do you think this is possible?


Jim Blake
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843