Re: Panderichthyids and trans...

Lloyd Eby (
Mon, 26 Jun 1995 00:38:20 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 25 Jun 1995, Kevin Wirth wrote:


> I join with you in wishing your friends success in their fossil hunting.
> But let's be clear about one thing: they are not finding evidence for
> evolution. They are finding evidence, period.

What do you mean to say here? That you have established that evolution is
false, and therefore fossils *cannot* be evidence for it, or that
evolution is unproven, thus putative evidence for it is inconclusive?
Fossils *may* be evidence for evolution. You and other anti-evolutionists
have *not*, I think, shown that evolution is false -- only that the
arguments and evidence for it are sketchy and inconclusive. If evolution
(in whatever of it forms -- atheistic or theistic, gradualist or PE) is
true, then fossils *do* constitute evidence for it.

Lloyd Eby