RE: Common cause

From: Either Carol or John Burgeson <>
Date: Mon Dec 27 2004 - 11:43:52 EST posted (in part): "The campaign to legitimize
homosexuality at the expense of Christianity is occurring in all the
developed countries and supported by the far left in those developed

Since many Christians support some measures to "legitimize
homosexuality," and since Christian churches exist who not only welcome
these brothers and sisters of us "straight" folks, but see no problems in
them being elected to high church offices, the post above casts a false
either-or picture.

50 years ago, the above post might have been written "The campaign to
legitimize ordination of women at the expense of Christianity is
occurring in all the developed countries and supported by the far left in
those developed countries."

Even earlier, it might have been written: "The campaign to legitimize the
political and social equality of non-whites at the expense of
Christianity is occurring in all the developed countries and supported by
the far left in those developed countries."

And in the mid 1800s, perhaps it would read "The campaign to delegitimize
slavery at the expense of Christianity is occurring in all the developed
countries and supported by the far left in those developed countries.

In each of these cases, of course, most folks now see that the "far left"
was in the "right."

Received on Mon Dec 27 11:52:27 2004

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