RE: Common cause

From: <>
Date: Sat Dec 25 2004 - 12:02:22 EST

This is from Wikipedia:

The term "far-right" is often used to describe persons or groups who hold nationalist, racist, religious extremist, or reactionary views. This can include ideologies that range from absolute monarchism to neo-nazism and fascism. The term has also been used for certain populist or authoritarian regimes.

In a message dated 12/24/2004 11:18:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Don Perrett" <> writes:

I suppose it might be better for the far-right to show the same allegiance to donations if they spoke up against anyone banning the collection of money for non-christian charities.

Don P

Why the preoccupation with non-Christian charities at a time when what appears in need of defense are Christian charities? Are there any other religions under attack by the far left other than Christianity? Are Christian beliefs really far right? My observation is that the far left wants Christianity to be submerged within a rubric of other religions until it is no longer the dominant religion in America. Am I wrong? What do you think is going on? What is the salient issue? Is it the failure of Christians to come to the defense of religions other than their own or a failure of Christians to defend Christianity itself when it is Christianity under attack and not other religions? The campaign to legitimize homosexuality at the expense of Christianity is occurring in all the developed countries and supported by the far left in those developed countries. Who are the far left?

A very Merry Christmas to you all.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: []On
>Behalf Of Either Carol or John Burgeson
>Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 11:25 AM
>Subject: Common cause
>>From  a news article ....
>Far-right religious groups are calling for a boycott of retail giant
>to protest its recent decision to prohibit the Salvation Army from
>collecting charitable donations with their signature red kettles outside
>Target stores, a move in line with the retail chain's general
>no-solicitation policy.
>This "somewhat left" Christian applauds this policy by my sometimes
>opposers (but still Christian brothers).
>Finding common cause with those we oppose is always a useful action.
>Merry CHRISTmas to all on the list.
Received on Sat Dec 25 12:04:08 2004

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