Re: Antony Flew shifts his position due to scientific evidence

From: <>
Date: Mon Dec 13 2004 - 17:56:55 EST

In a message dated 12/13/2004 1:39:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Terry M. Gray" <> writes:

>To the group:
>Of course, George is right in suggesting that this is off-topic. And he's correct in reminding us that we've been down this road before, especially with Rich.

As I recall the development of this thread (which bears little resemblance to it's subject line at this point), there was a paragraph in one of Anthony Flew's comments that touched on the Palestinian problem (or whatever we want to call it) and someone or some people couldn't resist commenting on it even though it was not a faith-science issue. Then, naturally, *everyone* joined in.
Let's do try to exercise some restraint on this sort of thing.

Dear TG,
George commented on the Palestinian plight (if you recall). You don't need an anything goes list. George needs to stick to the arguments and restrain himself when he doesn't have one. If he posts single line remarks like where have I heard "international Jewry" before, implying my connection with anti-Semitism, then you are honor bound to let me respond since you let the topic go off topic.
I resent the "especially with Rich" remark. George made an error regarding the GofT denigration of women remark and he tried to slander me with the "international Jewry" remark that he misused to boot. My arguments may be unusual for you all, but I am civil and stick to them instead of calling names and making every excuse for abandoning an argument. George is pigeonholing me with his remarks and its shameful if its allowed to continue.
Your entry as list owner into the fray does not win George's argument. In fact, I'd be embarrassed to have someone get in and defend me after a faux pas (two!).
You can do one of two things here. You can really devote yourselves to the arguments and learn something or maintain your old boys network and snipe at people from behind one another.

Best regards,
Received on Mon Dec 13 17:58:27 2004

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