Re: Random Designer?

From: Charles Carrigan <>
Date: Sat Dec 11 2004 - 15:45:40 EST

Hi Dick,
I think you'll find more information from the website quite honestly,
but I'll give it a crack here.
Rick wrote a book that is intended to be scientifically accurate and
yet for a non-scientific audience. He hopes that his book will help 2
groups of people - 1) Christians who are opposed, or at least think they
are opposed, to the claims of science, and 2) those who would reject God
entirely because they think they have to reject science in order to
accept God.
The title Random Designer is a reference to God, the random designer.
What I think Rick is trying to say with this title is that God harnesses
the randomness that appears to dominate our world in order to bring life
into it - both physical and spiritual.
again, the website is if you want more
Charles W. Carrigan
Olivet Nazarene University
Dept. of Geology
One University Ave.
Bourbonnais, IL 60914
PH: (815) 939-5346
FX: (815) 939-5071

>>> Dick Fischer <> 12/11/2004 12:29:37 PM

Charles Carrigan wrote:

The book Rick has written is called "Random Designer", and has a
website up However, it has nothing to do with
the intelligent design movement.
I highly recommend the book!
Could you be so kind as to give us a brief synopsis? How does the
"Random Designer" (God?) design randomly? Give us the scoop.

Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History
Received on Sat Dec 11 15:48:04 2004

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