Re: New Abortion Quiz

From: Bill Yates <>
Date: Wed Oct 13 2004 - 16:14:38 EDT

Let's get down to basics...

* Humans begin as the union of sperm and egg.
* The DNA of the fertilized egg is human DNA, a combination of the
parent's DNA.
* The fertilized egg is HUMAN, a human being, albeit in a very early
stage of development.
* The fertilized egg is ALIVE. It takes in energy from the mother and grows.
* Therefore, we can accurately describe the fertilized egg as a LIVING
* We apply different terms to the developing human being depending on
its stage of development.
* Despite the different terms--blastocyst, embryu, fetus, baby--the
developing human being is STILL A LIVING HUMAN BEING.
* At the earlier stages of development, the developing human being is
incapable of self-sustaining its life.
* The fact that it is incapable of self-sustaining life does not negate
or invalidate its essential character as a LIVING HUMAN BEING.
* At various points in the human life span--infancy, accident, illness,
during surgery--a person may be incapable of self-sustaining life.
* The fact that one may be incapable of self-sustaining life does not
negate or invalidate one's essential character as a LIVING HUMAN BEING.
* The fact that one may be less capable than another of performing
certain acts, ranging from cognition to ambulation, due to birth defect,
accident, or illness, does not negate or invalidate their essential
character as a LIVING HUMAN BEING.
* Human beings are intrinsically significant and of value, not only to
other human beings, but even more importantly, to God.
* Therefore, the taking of any human life is an act of great import and
not to be taken lightly.
* There are very limited circumstances when the taking of human life is
allowed: self-defense and war.
* The taking of a human life for the convenience of another is immoral
as it reduces the victim to the role of commodity for the pleasure of
another and denies their essential worth as a human being.
* Abortion, from sacrificing a fertilized egg for its stem cells, to
"partial birth abortion", is the taking of a HUMAN LIFE.


--Bill Yates

--Bill Yates
--CD Reviewer, Webmaster,
--Editor,'s Believer's Weekly
--Theron Services: Web Design, Editing, Writing
Received on Wed Oct 13 16:16:10 2004

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