Re: new abortion quiz

From: D. F. Siemens, Jr. <>
Date: Wed Oct 13 2004 - 00:43:45 EDT

You've totally missed my point. I am open to any RATIONAL argument.
Looking at something, anything, that turns your stomach is not an
argument. I note that the common argument of atheists is that a good and
almighty deity would not produce whatever it is that they don't like.

That students did not, when it was sprung on them, see a connection
between speed limit and murder (not killing) is no argument against my
statement. You can partly fill in the gap to show that speed tends toward
a higher probability of fatalities. But this is a tendency toward
manslaughter. Are you accusing me of murder because I drive 75, the limit
on rural interstates in Arizona? By the way, if you want a justification
of speed limits, you'll do better with I Peter 2:13f (a reference Bible
will give you more verses on the topic)than the Ten Commandments.

May I suggest that you think through your position, get your definitions
clearly in mind, rather than jumping on anyone who does not agree with
every aspect of your views. A reflexive response does nothing to
communicate to those who disagree with you, but may be persuaded by sound
argument. Moorad, when did you present an emotional response as evidence
in a scientific paper? Do you need to be reminded that philosophers
strive for reasoned presentations, though they do not have the empirical
check that restricts scientific studies?

On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 15:47:56 -0400 "Alexanian, Moorad"
<> writes:
Dear David,

I am not surprised at Dave’s comments. I teach a science course to
non-science majors----based on the book “Great Ideas in Physics” by Alan
Lightman-----and once I asked the class if they saw a difference between
“Thou shalt not kill” and “Speed limit 70 mph. ” To my surprise and
consternation some students said that they didn’t. What can I say?



With all due respect, to compare (a) watching a tiny, innocent human
being salted and/or dismembered in the womb (or partially delivered
outside the womb) with (b) smelling vomit or (c) watching sausage being
made is quite unconscionable and unreasonable. This is an example of why
science devoid of morality and Christian ethics has a bad name and an
even worse track record.

David R. Bundrick
David R. Bundrick, PhD
Received on Wed Oct 13 00:47:48 2004

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