Re: TOE or TSD: that is the question! (was Genesis 1:1 - a standing miracle)

From: Jim Armstrong <>
Date: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 16:52:03 EDT

JimA replies (interspersed below):

Mike Tharp wrote:

> If we accept that the universe, and the Earth in particular,
> is the handwork of the Creator, then it perhaps it might at
> least be argued that it is unlikely tool of satanic deception.
> ****The serpent, which was the handwork of the Creator, was
> used as a tool of satanic deception. Unless we believe this
> to be a myth.
Regardless of my belief about the serpent, the "tools" of deception
described in scripture all seem to be animate, ones with choice. I don't
see any account of other parts of creation being disingenuous. And that
was part of my point in the post.

> Of course, if we believe in evolution, then Adam and Eve are
> simply a myth, the serpent was simply a myth, and the fall is
> simply a myth. Since there is no fall, there is no need of a
> Savior.
Oh, mere disobedience on our part is not enough basis for need? Satan
made me do it? Where did personal accountability go? I suggest Adam and
Eve are about an explanation about the origin of sin, not establishing a
case for your or my need for a savior.

> Unless I'm missing something, evolution is a strong argument
> against Christianity.
You are missing something here.

> This seems extremely obvious to me. I have no answer to this
> other than to say that I have accepted Christ as my Savior and
> I have no doubt that He is real. I will put my faith in God
> rather than fallible man.****
Fallible man was the remainder of my point in the post.

Received on Sat Jul 31 17:03:47 2004

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