Re: Nuclear Energy and global climate

From: Innovatia <>
Date: Mon Jul 05 2004 - 17:24:35 EDT

----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 8:59 PM
  Subject: Re: Nuclear Energy and global climate

  George Murphy commented:

    3d, I suspect that similar things can be said about the other effects he
    appeals to - like the symmetry breaking due to the embedding of EM in
    electroweak theory. The predicted parity violations in EM penomena have
    been seen, but again they are quite small. & how is his technology supposed
    to exploit them? This sounds like violent handwaving to me.

  Moreover, the fact that academics or engineers have
  used (or even continue to use) models that violate the
  laws of thermodynamics is not the issue. That may
  very well be true. Nevertheless, he must clearly
  demonstrate that __his model__ does not violate any
  of the laws of thermodynamics.

  His arguments about entropy are basically nonsense
  for starters. It reminds me of a poor rendition of
  Hegal's style of writing.

  By Grace alone we proceed,
It always helps to read a person's best exposition on this claims. I intend to do that within the next week or two from the recent optics-advances book. I'll report back, with comments from Mark Ludwig (whose book it is), who should have a more informed comment on this, with a PhD in particle physics and a physics degree from MIT in 2 years. CalTech didn't even require him to formally apply for admission. (How he became a Christian is a somewhat bizarre story.) So I'll get his comments too.

Dennis Feucht
Received on Mon Jul 5 17:59:42 2004

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