RE: Kerkut (was: Re: A case for Christianity that does use ID orYEC arguments)

From: Dick Fischer <>
Date: Thu Feb 05 2004 - 10:38:47 EST

'Drsyme" wrote:

>I send Hugh Ross much more than emails of support, I send him money too.

Good. Maybe he'll answer a question for you that you can pass to this
group. Why is it that the professional, scholarly, scientific expertise
that he applies meticulously to astrophysics are totally abandoned when he
ventures into biology, genetics and anthropology? If he professes no
expertise in these sciences, that's fine, why doesn't he just say that and
keep his mouth shut?

Because he does have genuine scientific credentials in the area of
astrophysics, it is often overlooked that he has no training in the other
sciences. But nevertheless, he continues to comment in the other areas of
science as if his training in astrophysics qualifies him. Why doesn't he
either opt out from making comments in those fields of science where he has
continually demonstrated his lack of expertise, or consult with some
honest, qualified scientists who can keep him from making obvious blunders
in these areas.

Succinctly put, as Christians, either we should get our facts right (as he
does not), or pay closer attention to those who do make every effort to
research qualified sources and report honestly.

Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History
Received on Thu Feb 5 11:41:54 2004

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