Re: Who's Burden of Proof?

From: Steve Petermann <>
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 13:37:38 EST

Mark wrote:
> what about quantum computing?

I don't know about quantum computing, but I would assume that to be useful,
the indetermancies of quantum events would need to be managed in some way.
If that is true, then chance is not the dominant or controlling force.

The reason I said "dominant" is because a good designer would not
necessarily rule out incorporating chance in their designs. There might be
cases where chance could interject some novelty into the design. That
novelty could then be tested and its results accepted or rejected based on
the purpose of the design. However, if chance is the dominant mode of
design, then the designer could not assure that the goals of the design
would be met.

Steve Petermann
Received on Fri Nov 28 13:45:44 2003

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