Re: Four items of possible controversy

Date: Wed Nov 12 2003 - 22:22:06 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: Four items of possible controversy"

    In a message dated 11/12/03 10:02:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
    I presumed
    the Burgy was not championing a particular ideological
    position with his illustration but was concerned about
    such use of money generally. Burgy can certainly
    speak for himself on that matter and chose to assume
    that it was not ideologically motivated. I don't know
    why my assumption of his good character was apparently
    offensive to you.
    This is what you wrote;
    It happens on both sides of the political aisle as Burgy's illustration
    points out.

    Burgy's illustration didn't point out that it happens on both sides of the
    political aisle. I didn't take umbrage. I am not interested in Burgy's
    character. I just corrected you because my entire reason for posting was to provide a
    counter point to Burgy's remark to provide the "second side" that Burgy did
    not provide. Other religionists in other religions don't care much about the
    leverage they exert in the world. What is the concern among Christians, is it
    that Christians may exert too much leverage? I'm raising the question after
    Burgy suggested in some cases it is immoral. In what cases?

    rich faussette


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