Re: Kirk Durston's response

From: NSS (
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 15:50:29 EST

  • Next message: Al Koop: "Re: Declining water and oil"

    On 11/11/03 1:09 PM, "Michael Roberts" <>

    >> 2) In our observations of this world, we notice that intelligent agents,
    >> such as humans, can produce vast amounts of functional information.
    > So waht!

    >From Mr. Robert's inserted comments, I see no reason to believe that he is
    actually interested in thinking critically about this issue. Regretfully, I
    do not have time to engage in discussions with people who will not think and
    do not have the motivation to educate themselves to at least the level of
    being able to carry on an intelligent conversation on this issue.

    Preston asked an honest question, and I would be happy to respond to any
    further clarification or questions that he may desire, but I will not be
    able to take the time to engage in the level of interaction that Mr. Roberts
    feels obligated to practice.



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