Re: Declining resources [was RE: Declining water]

From: Michael Roberts (
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 16:17:58 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: Four items of possible controversy"

    Well at least Glenn is willing to engage in a serious and witty way with me!

    > GRM: Colonies? Still carrying a grudge are we??? :-)
    Just winding you up!>

    > >Glenn can you work out how gas would be saved by
    > >1, moving over to manual gearboxes
    > >2. smaller engines - 1.1. to 1.8 litre max
    > GRM: No, but it would be substantial. And smaller cars like those in the
    UK would make many americans have to lose weight as well.
     I am sure it would be substantial. I reckon my Mondeo costs 10pence a mile
    for fuel whereas my Peugeot 106 costs 6.6p . A Landrover Discovery costs
    about 16 pence a mile. (My new Dawes 601 with 27 gears doesn't use any gas
    at all and has lost me half a stone in a few months. ) The problem with the
    Peugeot is that 10% of the population of both countries would be unable to
    get in to drive it!!

    Whatever happens problems will increase as oil runs out and unfortunately
    Bush and Blair have got their hands on Iraqi oil. That is a great pity.

    But then if H Morris and Lahaye are right it wont matter because the Rapture
    will hve occurred before the oil runs out, but we need to make sure that
    there is enough energy for those of us who are left behind.


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