Re: The Faculties of the Soul (was Re: The Iota Subscript)

Date: Mon Nov 03 2003 - 19:38:24 EST

  • Next message: "Re: the problem with concordance"

    Dr. Nelson wrote:

    > It seems to me, despite your representation
    > that their are infinite ramifications, the
    > one ramification that you have explicated is
    > that you believe it demonstrates that the
    > Bible is beyond doubt God inspired.
    > Something that lots of people have believed
    > without your analysis.

    Proof of the Bible is a logical consequence of the validity of the Bible
    Wheel, just as the existence of a car is proof that someone designed it. But
    the car was not designed merely to prove it had a designer. The car was
    designed for the much higher purpose. It can save lives when properly used,
    transporting wounded people to the hospital, providing food, and so forth.
    It would be good for nothing if it sat enshrined in the Temple of the Car as
    proof of the existence of the great and mighty "Car Designer." Nobody would
    ever think to assert that any car was ever designed merely to prove the
    banal fact that it was designed.

    Similar ideas apply to the Bible Wheel. Its existence necessarily proves the
    divine design of the Holy Bible, but as far as I can tell, it was not given
    merely for that purpose. Of course, this does not mean that God won't use it
    that way, but as you rightly noted, people have believed the Bible for
    centuries without the benefit of the Bible Wheel. I have never suggested
    anything different. God has been perfectly pleased to save people through
    Faith long before I was born, and he will continue doing so long after I am
    gone. None of this has anything to do with His Will to reveal the divine
    design of His Word at this time in history.

    So why did God design Scripture in the form of the Wheel? There are many
    reasons that run the gamut from the most practical (e.g. a mnemonic device)
    to the most sublime (e.g. the Divine Theological Art of the tri-radiant halo
    declaring the Cross, the Deity of Christ, the perfection of Scripture, et
    cetera ad infinitum.).

    Here is a brief summary of a few of the more obvious "God-purposes" of the
    Bible Wheel as I see it:

    1) A mnemonic for the memorization of Scripture: I believe this is one of
    its primary purposes. God commands the memorization of Scripture and
    promises that it will do us great good. Christians delight in meditating
    upon His Word. The Bible Wheel enables normal people to memorize vast
    portions of Scripture with ease because it reveals the connections between
    the Books, Geometry, and the Hebrew Alphabet. Furthermore, it opens the eyes
    to the whole revealing the Bible sealed from beginning to end with the Aleph
    and the Tav. We all know how useful a bird's-eye view can be for
    understanding something. It is a great soul-shaking delight to see all the
    pieces of God's Word fit together into such perfection.

    2) Insight into Scripture: One of the great miracles of the Bible Wheel is
    the integration of the meaning of the 22 Hebrew Letters with the content of
    the 22 Spokes. The meaning of the Letters was encoded by God in the
    alphabetic verses of the text itself. For example, the name of the Letter
    Ayin means Eye. This is how God used it in the Ayin verse of the alphabetic
    Psalm 34: The eyes of the Lord on the righteous. This verse is quoted in one
    and only one book of the Bible - I Peter on Spoke 16, corresponding to Ayin,
    the 16th Letter. This is not a "mere coincidence." I have nearly a thousand
    pages documenting such designs on my web site.

    4) As the Capstone to the Bible: Zechariah 3.9, 4.6-10

    5) As proof of the Bible. This is one reason, but by no means the only one.
    It could even be a primary reason, but it might not be. Historically, God
    has not seemed very interested in "proving" Himself to unbelievers. Hebrews
    11.6. I have no reason to think He has changed. But on the other hand, there
    will be a Judgment Day when God does reveal everything that was hidden,
    which I believe will include the divine perfection of the Holy Bible.

    6) Divine Art for the Glory of God: I have repeated this one so much I would
    think anyone following these posts would have it memorized by now.

    7) A witness to the Jews. This is really exciting. The great themes linking
    the Spokes to the letters are explicated in much of the Rabbinic tradition
    concerning the meaning of the Letters. There will be a great witness for
    Christ when the Jews see and understand the incontrovertible reality of the
    design of the Christian Bible in accordance with the structure and meaning
    of the Hebrew alphabet, as explained by their own Rabbis! For example, one
    of the letters most commonly expounded on is Gimel, which is taken to
    signify Gomel, meaning a Benefactor. God used this word in the first Gimel
    verse of the great alphabetic Psalm 119, which says "Deal bountifully
    (Gomel) with thy servant, that I might live an keep your word." Rabbinic
    tradition teaches that Gomel symbolizes a rich man so eager to give and
    bless the poor that he actually chases them down! Now look at the Wheel. The
    greatest teaching on the virtue of Giving is found in II Corinthians on
    Spoke 3, where two whole chapters are devoted to it. It is here that we read
    that "God loves a CHEERFUL GIVER" --- the essence of Gimel, as encoded in
    Scripture and testified by the Rabbis.

    Well, I could go on and on, but I'd rather get to your other points ...

    > The question I had, which you
    > haven't really answered is so
    > where does that lead? You talk
    > about infinite knowledge, etc.
    > How does your numeric analysis
    > provide such knowledge that is not
    > already in scripture? What does
    > it add?

    My work is absolutely nothing but the study of Scripture. It is, therefore,
    logically impossible for it to yield any "knowledge that is not already in
    scripture." And besides, I can't imagine that you are really trying to tell
    me that the Bible Wheel is worthless if it fails to produce extrabiblical
    knowledge! Surely you must see that this is a strange criterion by which to
    measure a study of Scripture. Exactly what kind of extrabiblical knowledge
    are you fishing for, anyway?

    > One last, <grace snip> question.
    > If it is a discovery
    > of such monumental importance
    > to God and His Word, why
    > did it require two millenia, the
    > use of computer programming, and
    > you for it to be discovered? How did
    > the other generations of christians manage to survive
    > and revere scripture without it?

    First, it didn't "require" two millenia. The timing is all part of God's
    plan. If you are really curious, why not ask Him? And on that note, the same
    goes for the purpose of all this. Since it is all in the Bible, you best ask
    the Author of the Bible why He put it there, rather than the student of the
    Bible who merely reports what he sees as best he can.

    Second, none of the primary discoveries were dependent in any way on a
    computer. The computer merely facilitated what could easily have been done
    by hand, much like this communication we are sharing now. The pattern of the
    Bible Wheel could have been seen a hundred years ago. Indeed, a few people
    came tantilizingly close in the recognition of the reiterative structure of
    the OT (5-12-5 books), but lacked the idea of cyclical representation of the
    Wheel. Also, the most of the numerical structures like the Creation
    Holograph were discovered independently by many people without the use of
    computers. I know Vernon and I discovered it independently of each other,
    and I was not using a computer when I discovered the profound structure.

    Finally, your last question about how Christians survived without this
    knowledge seems to expose a grievous misunderstanding of the Christian
    Faith. When a sinner repents and turns to God in Faith, the Father sends His
    Holy Spirit to dwell in the heart of the Believer. The Holy Spirit then
    guides the Believer to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus
    Christ. Before the Bible was written, He inspired Holy Men of Old to write
    the Word of God, and after the Word was written, He bore witness of its
    Truth in the hearts of the Believers who followed after. None of this
    depends on the later revelation of the divine structure of the Holy Bible.
    Believer's always have and always will rely on the Father, Son, and Holy
    Spirit for survival and reverence of Holy Scripture.

    Richard Amiel McGough
    Discover the sevenfold symmetric perfection of the Holy Bible at

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