Re: Wells and Molecular Phylogenies

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Sun Nov 02 2003 - 03:14:17 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: Wells and Molecular Phylogenies"

    Dick wrote: "I think they know they are engaging in deception, but they
    delude themselves into thinking it is for a greater purpose. Also, they
    are constantly buoyed up by their leagues of supporters, and there is the
    financial rewards that come to them from donations, book sales, etc."

    In other words, Dick, you are saying to the world that you think they
    really are "liars for Jesus?" And that their lies are made for three
    reasons, (1) to bring souls into the kingdom under false pretenses, (2)
    ego and (3) financial reasons?

    That is how I read what you have posted.

    It is a serious charge to make against a fellow Christian.

    I will not make it. While the charge is logically possible, I think its
    probability is vanishingly small.

    You also wrote: "I think it is inherent on the rest of us to expose them
    at every opportunity, and bring their ministry of misinformation into the
    glaring light of day."

    With that I agree. But I insist (for myself at least) that whatever I say
    or write will be done in a civil manner. I do not always succeed in this.
    For instance, after reflection, I have decided that my use of the term
    "roster of shame" recently was out of line, and for that I apologize.


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