Date: Sat Nov 01 2003 - 06:23:53 EST

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Evolutionary Theory: It doesn't work yet!"

    Allen Roy wrote:

    > All of it [the "explanations" above] are nothing
    > but pure rationalization needed
    > to try to save the fatally flawed methodology. As Woodmorappe says, "CMBN"
    > --
    > If it works, Credit Methodology, it if doesn't, Blame Nature to save
    > methodology. If it doesn't work here, why should it work somewhere else?
    > Why
    > trust it anywhere?

    OK, good, so we have one (possible) and interesting exception and 100s
    of examples that work. You now blow up this one example into a
    big mountain and claim that therefore NONE can be true (except of course
    that meet your catastrophic flood theory model --- those of course are ok).
    And if a sound explanation comes forward we have 100s + 1 more out of zero,
    you apply the same statement about "rationalizations" to yourself?

    Just wondering.

    by Grace alone we proceed,

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