RE: please stop

From: Hofmann, Jim (
Date: Fri Sep 26 2003 - 22:29:19 EDT

  • Next message: D. F. Siemens, Jr.: "Re: please stop"


            -----Original Message-----
            From: []
            Sent: Fri 9/26/2003 4:27 PM
            Subject: Re: please stop
            In a message dated 9/26/03 5:20:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

                    Some people active on the list have asked for definitions of acronyms in each
                    post. Others (including myself) feel that that's unrealistic. I have suggested & am
                    trying to implement a compromise on this, making available a list of acronyms common on,
                    & fairly distinctive of, the asa list.

            You could be saved the work if everyone simply agreed that it is best to identify an acronym at first use as is normally done in any written piece - no list maintenance, but that requires everyone demonstrate the same level of generosity in their efforts to be understood.
            rich faussette

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