Re: RFEP and the Heart of Christianity

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 08:49:35 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: Capuchin's show sense of justice/fair play"

    >From: George Murphy <>
    > What I have argued is not that RFEP should be rejected but that it should
    > be based on an appropriate christology.

    Yes, but you would make that Christological grounding explicit ONLY IF it
    is to function as a Christian doctrinal statement and NOT as a statement of
    presupposition for the historical natural sciences generally. As I have
    repeatedly said, the RFEP is stated to satisfy the latter role, not the

    > RFEP formulated on that basis can support the sciences at
    > least as well as RFEP which is simply postulated.

    Yes, of course it could do that for a major portion of the CHRISTIAN
    community, but then the larger SCIENTIFIC community could not sign on
    because of its exclusively Christian content.

    Howard Van Till

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