Re: Post-Empiricism Science: A little surprised

From: allenroy (
Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 03:53:31 EDT

  • Next message: allenroy: "Re: Post-Empiricism Science: A little surprised"

    "D. F. Siemens, Jr." wrote:

    > Del's writing on post-empirical science is descriptive of one current
    > approach to the investigation of the universe and its residents. It is
    > not to be taken prescriptively. There are other views he discusses.
    > Nothing of his that I've read indicates that he buys into that doctrine,
    > any more than my discussion of Logical Empiricism (which is nonsense)
    > makes me adopt it.

    When you read the entire article (I quoted just sections of it, which I
    assume that you actually did read) leaves the impression that he was not
    just saying that this is what some say, but that this is the way science is
    now. He promoted it is the reality in science today and that we need to
    face it. I recommend the article, then you would not have to take my word
    for it.

    "Ratzsch, Del. 2002, "Cradled Science: Examining the Cosmos in the context
    of Faith" Journal of Adventist Education, Vol 64, No. 5, p.9-12

    If you cannot get it, perhaps I can scan it for you. Or if you know his
    email perhaps he has it available on-line already.


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