Interesting e-mail

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 15:08:15 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: Interesting e-mail"

    [ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENT: Not sure what this has to do with the
    purposes of this list, but I'm going to let it through. Let's try to
    keep on track--this isn't just a "Christian thought" list, but a
    faith-science list.]

    The e-mail below will be of interest to some.


    "From: Randall Terry []
    Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 9:44 AM
    Subject: Stop Gay Marriage! Impeach Supreme Court's Twisted Six!

    Subject: From:


    When the abortionists bankrupted me and got everything I owned, they thought
    they were done with me. Well, I've got news for the pagan elite! I'm back.
    -- Randall Terry

    Dear Friend,

    As you probably know, the Supreme Court said that homosexual perversions are
    a "liberty" guaranteed by our Constitution, opening door to
    homosexual marriage.

    This ruling puts our Republic in great danger. I beg you to read and weigh
    these words, and prayerfully consider joining me to turn back this

    Our children's and grandchildren's future is surely at stake. So that you
    can see how horrifying the long term effects are on our nation, here
    is a portion of Justice Scalia's scathing dissent:

    "State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution,
    masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are likewise
    sustainable only in light of...validation of laws based on moral choices.
    Every single one of these laws is called into question by today's decision,"
    Scalia wrote.

    "Today's opinion dismantles the structure of constitutional law that has
    permitted a distinction to be made between heterosexual and homosexual
    unions, insofar as formal recognition in marriage is concerned. If moral
    disapprobation of homosexual conduct is 'no legitimate state interest' for
    purposes of proscribing that conduct, and if, as the Court coos (casting
    aside all pretense of neutrality), when sexuality minds overt expression in
    intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in
    a personal bond that is more nduring, what justification could there
    possibly be for denying the benefits of marriage to homosexual couples
    exercising the liberty protected by the Constitution?"


    Frankly, I believe America's survival hangs in the balance. Why? Because
    there is a God in heaven who judges men and nations. He made eternal Laws by
    which we are rewarded or punished. And He has given solemn warnings about
    the two specific crimes of child-killing and sodomy.

    And you shall not let any of your decedents pass through the fire to Molech
    (child-killing), nor shall you profane the name of your God, I am
    the Lord. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman (sodomy), it is an
    abomination. Nor shall you mate with any beast, to defile yourself with it.
       Nor shall any woman stand before a beast to mate with it. It is a
    perversion (bestiality). Do not defile yourselves with any of these things;
    for by all these things the nations are defiled which I am casting out
    before you. -- Lev. 18:21

    Yet Justice Kennedy (a Roman Catholic -- who should be excommunicated --
    appointed by President Bush the elder) wrote the majority opinion for
    Lawrence. vs. Texas. And here's the bitter truth: He used two pro-abortion
    rulings by the Supreme Court, (Roe v Wade and Casey v Planned Parenthood) as
    the basis for defying God's Word and justifying sodomy! Based on those
    pro-abortion rulings, here's what Kennedy wrote:

    "When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another
    person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more
    enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual
    persons the right to make this choice." (Lawrence v Texas)

    Not only did Kennedy base his ruling on pro-abortion cases, but in the
    process, he overturned a prior Supreme Court ruling that explicitly
    stated homosexual perversion was not a "right" under our Constitution. And
    to make it worse, Kennedy then used foreign courts to justify this
    iniquitous ruling. In light of America's steady loss of sovereignty, this
    decision is doubly treacherous.

    As you can see, God links together the life and death sins of child-killing
    and homosexual behavior. God Himself put child-killing, sodomy,
    and bestiality on the short list of sins that will cause the destruction of
    a nation. So when the Supreme Court explicitly links child-killing
    and sodomy -- and approves of both of them -- it could be signing our
    nation's death warrant!!

    In Sodom and Gomorrah, when God saw their perversions, He agreed to spare
    the cities if He could find ten righteous souls. (He didn't, and
    they perished.) I believe one of the reasons God has been so patient with
    America is because He is long-suffering and merciful. He hears a
    remnant crying out in prayer, and courageously resisting these evils in the
    public square. But we sin if we presume upon his mercy and
    longsuffering toward us!

    In fact, nations usually perish on the "installment plan." Remember ancient
    Israel and ancient Judah, who had God's prophets -- and a godly
    remnant. Yet they steadily sank into a moral cesspool! Child killing,
    idolatry, and homosexuality became rampant. After many patient warnings, God
    poured out His judgments. (See II Kings chps.17-24) God brought drought,
    famine, disease, and then violent foreign invaders. Finally, He sent them
    into cruel exile -- for the national sins of child killing, homosexuality,
    idolatry, and sexual perversion. If God did not spare His chosen people, He
    will not forever spare America!

    We too our perishing on the installment plan. A moral cancer is slowly
    rotting our society, so that peoples' outrage and resistance to evil
    wears down over years and decades. Lawrence v Texas trumpets our slow decay!

    "In all events we think that our laws and traditions in the past half
    century are of most relevance here. These references show an emerging
    awareness that liberty gives substantial protection to adult persons in
    deciding how to conduct their private lives in matters pertaining to
    sex." (Lawrence v Texas)

    What was unspeakable one generation ago is commonplace today. But my friend,
    God will not be mocked. We only have two options: 1) Turn back to God and
    live. 2) Continue down the path of darkness, and perish.


    Current events remind me of the fall of France to the Nazis in 1940. French
    leaders ignored the peril of Nazism in the 1930's. They appeased and
    accommodated the Nazis, trying to peacefully co-exist with a godless,
    tyrannical regime. As one nation after another was devoured by Nazi
    intrigue or military might, the French encouraged the Nazis to become more
    aggressive by silence and inaction. When the Nazis ultimately invaded
    France, French habits of cowardice and treachery had so rotted their will to
    resist that they collapsed within weeks.

    Meanwhile Britain, under Winston Churchill's leadership, declared they would
    NEVER SURRENDER. They would never give up. With almost no help from America
    (it was 11/2 yrs. before Pearl Harbor) Britain faced a Nazi-occupied Europe,
    and the largest military juggernaut in the history of the world ... alone.

    Yet they declared they would fight until the bitter end, or die trying.
    Churchill rightly understood the stakes: all Europe would either be
    enslaved to the Nazis, or be free of their terror. Yet in America today, we
    have "French-minded" Christian leaders who have accommodated
    or ignored the vile "enemy occupation" we have endured for a generation.
    They are STILL quietly justifying inaction against the sodomite
    juggernaut -- planning how to quietly live under the heel of our "pagan

    My friend, if we stand mute like the French did, if we look the other way,
    and make abominable excuses to do nothing concerning the murder of our
    children, sodomy, and other atrocities, we will be surrendering on the
    "installment plan," just to avoid conflict and controversy!

    Now is the time to be courageous and sacrificial. This is our moment in
    history to follow our Master's lead, and "storm the gates" of hell. The Lord
    Jesus promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against us! This is
    our chance to honor the faith and sacrifices of our Fathers, so that one day
    our descendents will say of us: "It was their finest hour. They restored the

    Hopefully, you also identify with Churchill and the British.

    So I reject the belief that legalized abortion is here to stay, or that
    so-called "homosexual marriage" is inevitable, and that we must make the
    best terms of peace possible with our enemies. We will not collaborate, we
    will not give up; WE WILL PREVAIL, because Truth will prevail.

    Friend, I love life. I love my wife, and my children. I love writing music.
    I enjoy racquetball and scuba diving and basketball. I love great
    books, and great movies. I am a true romantic. But I have a duty to my
    children to leave them a free nation, which means I must be in conflicts and
    controversies. We can love life, and still enter the battle. Keep
    Churchill's maxim: We will never give up. We will never surrender.

    So...if you are weary of submitting to damnable decrees; if you are ready to
    resist until victory is ours, then work with me, stick with me,
    support me, follow my lead, and come to the events we plan. I have dedicated
    my life to ending the abortion holocaust in America, and
    turning back the militant homosexual "invasion." I will not quit nor
    surrender, until we are victorious. We can be victorious. We can leave a
    society built on truth and justice and human dignity for our children and

    You know, when the abortionists bankrupted me once and got everything I
    owned, they thought they were done with me. Well, now I'm back -- thanks to
    folks like you. I'm ready to fight, and I will not stop fighting until we
    end the abortion holocaust in America, and are victorious over the militant
    homosexual agenda. It doesn't matter what they do to us, we must fight on
    until victory is ours.

    Friend, everything we do must reflect the immediacy of the crisis in
    abortion and the militant homosexual movement, as well as a determined,
    patient, long term agenda to raise up the next generation of leaders to free
    America from the grip of our new "pagan occupiers."


    For these reasons, I have started a new outreach: The Society for Truth and
    Justice. The Society for Truth and Justice is organizing grass root
    activities and public events to recruit new people into the culture wars
    who'll resist the onslaught of paganism that is upon us. Our mission is to
    mobilize you, your family, your church, and those like you.

    You see, our long term goal is to restore to positions of power those
    leaders who embrace Truth and Justice as revealed in the Ten
    Commandments. We must replace the treacherous that are in power with those
    who will enact just laws -- a Constitutional Amendment to protect all unborn
    children by law, and a Constitutional Amendment that denies homosexuals
    "marriage," or the benefits of marriage in any state. I know the struggle
    will be long and fierce. But we have NO other choice!! Like England under
    Churchill, our only options are the total defeat and the death of our
    country -- the America we know and love -- or total victory for Truth and

    Please remember: This fight is your fight. God wants you to do your part in
    this war. He wants you to stand for His Truth, His Kingdom and His
    commandments. You too have a duty to fight for what is right, to resist
    evil, to defend the fatherless and to rebuke the ruthless, because this war
    is waging at your doorstep, on your family, and your faith. We must pray
    with all our hearts, and strive with all our strength to restore this


    Some folks believe that the "Defense of Marriage Act," passed in 1996, will
    keep homosexual marriage from becoming reality. This is not so. This godless
    Court could easily strike down that law, like they stuck down the laws of
    Texas. Congress must amend the "Defense of Marriage Act" with these simple
    words: "This law is not subject to review by any U.S. Federal Court."

    But that's not enough. We need to be rid of these six godless Justices,
    these six enemies of freedom: The Twisted Six. With their twisted logic, and
    twisted ethics, they support child-killing; they defend child-pornography;
    and bless all forms of sexual perversion. They think they
    are called to create America in their twisted, sick image, and they need to
    go, and they will -- by impeachment! Here's where to act:

    Impeach the Court! Impeach The Twisted Six: Stephen G. Breyer, Ruth Bader
    Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O'Connor, David H. Souter, and John
    Paul Stevens.

    We have the right -- in our Constitution -- to impeach Federal Judges,
    including Supreme Court Justices. It's been done before! Impeachment is how
    the Founders decided we could get rid of Judges not upholding their sworn
    duty to our country. And each of the "Twisted Six" took an oath to uphold
    the Constitution and the laws of this country. They have betrayed that oath!
    Anyone with a brain can see that Lawrence v. Texas ruling betrays their oath
    to uphold the laws of our country, and therefore their ruling is an
    impeachable offense. Sign a petition calling for impeachment of the Twisted
    Six at:

    The battle cry is simple: Impeach the Court! It's a focal point that anybody
    can understand: Impeach the Court! Impeach The Twisted Six:
    Stephen G. Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day
    O'Connor, David H. Souter, and John Paul Stevens.

    Because we can take our country back. We can put the fear of God in the
    political elite. They need to see, hear, and feel that they have pushed us
    too far. It must be a ground swell that grows and grows. We can't win if we
    don't try. We can prevail, but only if we fight. The successful drive to
    recall Gov. Gray Davis of California shows what determined Americans can do!
    Support impeachment of the Twisted Six at:

    Kept In Christ's Wounds,

    Randall Terry
    President; Society for Truth and Justice"

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