RE: loose ends

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Sun Aug 03 2003 - 15:47:03 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: loose ends"

    Hi George, I include a note to Burgy at the bottom.

    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: George Murphy []
    >Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 1:04 PM
    >To: Glenn Morton

    George originally wrote:

    >> > There is a basic difference between the Fibonacci sequence
    >> >& the primes. As you
    >> >note, there is a formula with which one can generate as many
    >> >members of the 1st sequence
    >> >as you wish. But there is no general formula for generating
    >> >primes (unless there's been
    >> >a new discovery I haven't heard of, a possibility since I'm hardly
    >> >a number theorist).
    >> >All proposed prime-generating formulas have been found to break
    >> >down at some point.

    After my mention of the sieve of Eratosthenes he writes:

    > Don't need to - I learned about it from Gamow's _One, Two,
    >Three ... Infinity_
    >when I was about 14. It isn't a prime-generating formula but a device for
    >systematically checking to see if numbers are prime. By a
    >proposed prime-generating
    >formula I mean something like
    > f(n) = n^2 - n + 41
    >which gives primes for n = 1, 2, ... 40 but for n = 41 gives a
    >perfect square.

    Ok, there isn't such a simple formula but why does a simple formula mean
    anything? There is a prescription for how to iteratively catch the primes
    and another but simpler formula for catching the numbers in Fibonacci. I
    don't see what 'simple' has to do with it.

    To Burgy, who wants to debate with me, You got the right spirit. It is the
    debate which is fun.

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