Thank you

From: Gary Collins (
Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 11:11:03 EST

  • Next message: Alison Lewis: "Scientific Papers of Sir William Herschel"

    I would like to take this opportunity to publicly express my gratitude to everyone
    who so kindly took the time and effort to respond to my post of 17 Mar. I have
    taken note of all comments, and am endeavouring to read as many as possible
    of the articles, etc. which you have brought to my attention before I compose
    my letter, which I am hoping to do sometime next week. I feel that several of
    the points raised merit additional comments and/or queries, and I will submit
    separate posts in the near future, as time permits.
    God bless you all,


    "By tying up the weak case for a young earth in the same package as the strong case for creation, recent-creationists are almost asking to be defeated."
    -- Alan Hayward, "Creation and Evolution: The Facts and Fallacies," p.81

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